
This page describes the basic concepts of the module and how to use the different parts. See also the short Security section below.

Parts overview

The module offers a range of classes and methods that allow for a relatively modular workflow. This makes it possible to write a client application (the main goal of the module), but also a Simulator to develop against. With a little extra work, it is even possible to read from a pcap file and check past communication captured using tcpdump or wireshark.

One thing that is not provided is methods for network communication, it is a sans I/O library. This effectively means that the user has to bring in their own code for doing the network communication (though with the CLI there's some optional support for doing simple calls). This might sound odd at first, but it allows for the library to be used in a very modular way, by not dictating how network-communication is handled, and it frees the developers of this library from having to support different communication schemes. There are some examples further down that actually deal with network communication.

Object IDs (OIDs)

The protocol revolves around Object IDs (OIDs) that work similar to OIDs in snmp, in that they are an address that is targeted by a command (read value from OID, send value to OID) and that is referenced in the response to such a command. To deepen the similarities, a Registry is provided that acts like a MIB definition file and enriches the raw OIDs with human-readable names as well as data types for decoding/encoding and so on.

This information is kept in ObjectInfo objects inside a Registry instance conveniently provided as rctclient.registry.REGISTRY for easier consumption.

Looking at the information objects, they contain a name such as battery.soc, an optional description SOC (State of charge) and most importantly, the request_data_type and response_data_type fields. These fields are used to specify how to encode or decode values for the particular OID. In most cases, the response type is the same as the request type, but there are a few exceptions: Timeseries and Event Table.


The rctclient.registry.Registry class maintains a list of OIDs. As the list is quite long and for the users convenience, a module-scope instance is available as REGISTRY.

Most of the examples will assume an import like the following:

from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R

This makes the registry available as R. It provides a set of functions to query ObjectInfo instances that describe OIDs as explained above. A complete list of the OIDs shipped with the module is available at the Registry page.

The most commonly used functions are get_by_id() and get_by_name() that return a ObjectInfo instance for the OID or the name, observe:

>>> from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R
>>> oinfo_name = R.get_by_name('battery.soc')
>>> oinfo_name
<ObjectInfo(id=0x959930BF, name=battery.soc)>
>>> oinfo_name.description
'SOC (State of charge)'
>>> oinfo_id = R.get_by_id(0x959930BF)
>>> oinfo_id
<ObjectInfo(id=0x959930BF, name=battery.soc)>

For some OIDs, additional information such as a textual description or a unit like V for volts is available.


Individual requests and responses that are sent to or received from a device are called "Frame". These are the raw bytes that are exchanged between client and server (device).

Frames contain a command such as read and a OID such as 0x959930BF. Some commands (such as write) can contain a payload and there's a way to communicate to a network of devices, called plant communication which has not been tested with this library yet. The details of the encoding of the mentioned parts is not of relevance here.

For creating a frame that is to be sent to a device, there's two ways:

  • Creating it directly using make_frame(), which takes the above mentioned input parameters and returns the byte stream ready to be sent

  • Using the higher-level class SendFrame which internally calls make_frame, but stores the input parameters as well. This is especially useful for checking how things work, as its __repr__ dunder pretty-prints both input and output.

For receiving, there's the ReceiveFrame, which is fed with raw data from the wire and that signals when a complete frame is received.


SendFrame is used to craft the byte stream used to send a request to the device. Uppon constructing the frame, it automatically crafts the byte stream, which is then available in the data property and can be sent to the device.


The payload has to be encoded before passing it to SendFrame e.g. using encode_value().

The following example crafts a read command for the battery state of charge (battery.soc). The data that is to be sent via a network socket can be read from in the end:

>>> from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R
>>> from rctclient.frame import SendFrame
>>> from rctclient.types import Command
>>> oinfo = R.get_by_name('battery.soc')
>>> frame = SendFrame(command=Command.READ,
>>> frame
<SendFrame(command=1, id=0x959930BF, payload=0x)>


As discussed earlier, make_frame() is used internally by SendFrame. It basically behaves the same but does not require object instantiation and all that comes with it, but instead simply returns the generated bytes to be sent.

>>> from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R
>>> from rctclient.frame import make_frame
>>> from rctclient.types import Command
>>> oinfo = R.get_by_name('battery.soc')
>>> frame_data = make_frame(command=Command.READ,
>>> frame_data.hex()


rctclient.frame.ReceiveFrame is used to receive a frame of data from the device. It is designed so that it can consume a frame as it is received over the network. The instance signals when a frame has been received (complete() returns True) or raise an exception when an error occurs, such as a checksum mismatch. The consume function returns the amount of bytes it consumed, which allows for removing the consumed data from the buffer and start receiving the next frame immediately, which will become clearer in the examples below.

If the checksum does not match, an exception (FrameCRCMismatch) is raised that contains the received and computed checksums for debugging and also carries the amount of consumed bytes, so one can slice off those bytes and start with the next frame. Due to the way the devices work, CRC mismatches are not uncommon, and even a matching checksum does not guarantee that the data in the payload is complete. More on that later.

In addition to that, if a command that the parser can't work with (such as EXTENSION, or if the frame is broken), a InvalidCommand is raised, containing the amount of consumed bytes.

If the parser notices that it overshot, a FrameLengthExceeded is raised, again containing the amount of consumed bytes.

As an example, we'll read the frame data from the above SendFrame example as an input to the ReceiveFrames consume method. The output above was (in hexadecimal notation) 2b0104959930bf0d65 which can be transformed back into a byte stream using the bytearray.fromhex method:

from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R
from rctclient.frame import ReceiveFrame

frame = ReceiveFrame()
#> False

data = bytearray.fromhex('2b0104959930bf0d65')
consumed_bytes = frame.consume(data)
print(f'Consumed: {consumed_bytes}, input length: {len(data)}')
#> Consumed: 9, input length: 9

#> <ReceiveFrame(cmd=1, id=959930bf, address=0, data=)>
#> <ObjectInfo(id=0x959930BF, name=battery.soc)>

(This script is complete, it should run "as is")

This is a rather constructed use case, as normally the data to parse would be a response frame from the device. But it shows the modularity of the approach. Now, using the read-value subcommand to the CLI tool, extract the payload from a real response. This safes us from needing to explain the entire network handling in this section. By starting the tool in --debug mode, the payload can be read as hex string:

$ rctclient --debug read-value -h --name battery.soc
2020-10-02 15:11:02,367 - rctclient.cli - INFO - rctclient CLI starting
2020-10-02 15:11:02,367 - rctclient.cli - DEBUG - Object info by name: <ObjectInfo(id=0x959930BF, name=battery.soc)>
2020-10-02 15:11:02,367 - rctclient.cli - DEBUG - Connecting to host
2020-10-02 15:11:02,368 - rctclient.cli - DEBUG - Connected to
2020-10-02 15:11:02,431 - rctclient.cli - DEBUG - Received 14 bytes: 002b0508959930bf3f590f868810
2020-10-02 15:11:02,432 - rctclient.cli - DEBUG - Frame consumed 14 bytes
2020-10-02 15:11:02,432 - rctclient.cli - DEBUG - Got frame: <ReceiveFrame(cmd=5, id=959930bf, address=0, data=3f590f86)>

The raw byte stream that the device responded with is 002b0508959930bf3f590f868810 in hexadecimal notation. The following example uses it to manually craft a response frame and also demonstrates how to decode the payload:

from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R
from rctclient.frame import ReceiveFrame
from rctclient.utils import decode_value

frame = ReceiveFrame()

# check that the frame is complete
#> True

# take a look at the frame
#> <ReceiveFrame(cmd=5, id=959930bf, address=0, data=3f590f86)>

# get information about the object
oinfo = R.get_by_id(
print(, oinfo.response_data_type)
#> battery.soc DataType.FLOAT

# decode the value using the response data type
value = decode_value(oinfo.response_data_type,
#> 0.8478931188583374

(This script is complete, it should run "as is")

Encoding and decoding data

The two functions rctclient.utils.decode_value() and rctclient.utils.encode_value() are used to transform data between high-level data types and byte streams in both directions.

Each OID (see above) has a data type associated for sending and one for receiving (though they are the same for most OIDs). To encode a value for sending with a SendFrame, supply the request_data_type as first parameter to encode_value. For the opposite direction, supply the response_data_type to decode_value along with the content from the data attribute from the completed ReceiveFrame.

If the data can't be decoded, a struct.error is raised by the struct module.


It is not uncommon for the device to send incomplete payload along with a valid checksum. Always catch the exceptions raised by the functions.

Basic workflow

The most basic workflow involves sending a request to the device and receive the response:

  1. Open a TCP socket to the device.

  2. If payload is to be sent (write commands), use encode_value() to encode the data.

  3. Craft a frame (using SendFrame or make_frame()) with the correct object ID and command set and, if required, include the payload.

  4. Send the frame via a TCP socket to the device.

  5. Read the response into a ReceiveFrame

  6. Once complete, decode the response value using decode_value()

  7. Repeat steps 2-6 as long as required.

  8. Close the socket to the device.

Basic example

Assuming the Simulator is running in its default config (listening on localhost:8899) by starting it without parameters like so: rctclient simulator, the following script can be used to query for the battery state of charge (SOC) value:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import socket, select, sys
from rctclient.frame import ReceiveFrame, make_frame
from rctclient.registry import REGISTRY as R
from rctclient.types import Command
from rctclient.utils import decode_value

# open the socket and connect to the remote device:
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('localhost', 8899))

# query information about an object ID (here: battery.soc):
object_info = R.get_by_name('battery.soc')

# construct a byte stream that will send a read command for the object ID we want, and send it
send_frame = make_frame(command=Command.READ, id=object_info.object_id)

# loop until we got the entire response frame
frame = ReceiveFrame()
while True:
    ready_read, _, _ =[sock], [], [], 2.0)
    if sock in ready_read:
        # receive content of the input buffer
        buf = sock.recv(256)
        # if there is content, let the frame consume it
        if len(buf) > 0:
            # if the frame is complete, we're done
            if frame.complete():
            # the socket was closed by the device, exit

# decode the frames payload
value = decode_value(object_info.response_data_type,

# and print the result:
print(f'Response value: {value}')

(This script is complete, it should run "as is")

When run against a real device (by exchanging the localhost above with the address of the device), the result is like this:

$ ./
Response value: 0.6453145742416382

Obviously, this example lacks any error handling for the sake of simplicity.


This section leaves the protocol part and hops into the real world, to the real hardware devices. Some things are important to know as they can lead to confusion. The inverters are embedded devices and take some shortcuts when it comes to network communication.


There is none.

The protocol itself has no security primitives such as authentication and encryption. The device itself does not allow the usage of TLS (Transport Layer Security) or other encryption standards. Whoever can reach the device via the network (be it via ethernet cable or the WIFI access point the devices create by default) has full control over all settings of the device. The official app does require passwords to access more than just the basics, but that password is only used to enable features in the app itself and is not sent over the wire ever. It is really important to understand this when connecting the device to any network.


To re-iterate: There is no security, anyone who can reach the device on the network has full control over it.

It has been demonstrated that data can be injected into a running TCP communication. If the device was to communicate over an untrusted network (e.g. the Internet), anyone who could get a hold of the stream can send commands that the device will apply.

Incomplete, incorrect or missing responses

The devices are not meant to communicate with multiple network clients simultaneously. They will interrupt what they are doing when another request comes in. This results in incomplete frames that have a valid checksum, as the device may be interrupted while preparing the payload, then calculates the checksum over the partial response and send it over the wire. This is especially noticable when requesting large OIDs such as strings or the Timeseries or Event Table OIDs, as they appear to be cut at arbitrary places, yet the attached checksum matches the calculated checksum.

Answers from the device may also contain perfectly valid data, but with a wrong checksum attached (the tool makes an attempt to decode the frames for debugging purposes). In other (rare) cases, the request body from another client can found in a response's payload (although the checksum has been invalid in all observed cases).

Sometimes the response can be lost alltogether, this can be seen in the app as timeouts, or when it appears that some parts of a table (e.g. the battery overview) are initially empty and are filled in after all the other values on the next poll.

If the device is communicating with the vendors servers for external control, this communication could be impacted by having the app open or using another client to query the device.

When creating programs that communicate with the devices (which is the sole purpose of this module), always take into account that queries may simply get lost or have incomplete payload, so make sure to implement some sort of retry mechanism.


With the information provided on this page it should be possible to create client applications with ease. The CLI tool may also give some insights into how things work, they're implemented in the file, the Simulator can be found in

If things are still unclear, of bugs are found or if there are any questions, don't hestitate to get in contact using the projects issue tracker in GitHub.